Optimizing Talent and Resource Allocation – J.C. Innovation’s Project Management

Monday, March 30, 2020

Do you have a revolutionary idea that you want to bring to market but have limited resources and are overwhelmed with your existing scope list? J.C. Innovations (JCI) offers project management.  Allow us to partner with you to provide optimal execution of milestones. Whether you are a start-up or an established engineering firm, JCI is here to help you leverage your talent and resources.


The JCI project manager will give your concept a scope, a timeline and a budget. We will track, measure, and communicate progress from beginning to end.  We can also help to clearly define benchmarks that will ensure an engaged team that provides exceptional results.


While you and your team are diligently working on your given areas of expertise – coding, designing, constructing, etc. – the project manager will be the one keeping all the parts cohesively working toward a common goal.


We will schedule the meetings, document the progress and keep everyone informed and focused on the most important challenges. At JCI, we have seen it all; quality issues, time management concerns, budget constraints and teams that need a boost in morale. We navigate these hurdles seamlessly because we have been there.  Our partnership with you is a shared investment in your business’ success.


Why not use in house resources?  When there is a spike in work and all the subject matter experts, in house, are focused on tasks that maximize their value, hiring an FTE to track projects during that spike of work can be a risky venture.  When the work subsides the cost of keeping that FTE is often no longer viable.  The time and cost to add and remove the FTE would be substantially more that bringing in a JCI partner who can help when extra talent is needed.


Your engineers can make good project managers but bogging them down in the minutiae will negatively impact the role they provide the most value in.  There is also a risk that the engineer is not able to maintain objectivity due to their intimate knowledge of the project details.  This can lead to conflicts in communication. An outside project manager is objective and able to communicate good news and bad news while maintaining the scorecard of success for each milestone. A JCI project manager is a strong leader that provides vision, experience and judgment. He or she effectively communicates, negotiates and adapts.


JCI is a full-service engineering and product development support company, focused on partnering with orthopedic implant and instrument development businesses. We excel in supporting projects that need immediate resourcing. We are located in the Orthopedic Capital of the World, Warsaw, Indiana. Our consultants have years of experience in the commercialization of medical devices.  We leverage our expertise to provide your project the foundation it needs to be successful. Together we can achieve higher power solutions, contact us today to learn more.